Dr. Mark E. Barkey

Professor of  Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics
The University of Alabama
AEM 648 Theory of Plasticity

Course Announcement

Recommended Books and Software

If you have an interest in large scale plasticity calcuclations, I recommend that you obtain an account at the Alabama Supercomputer Center.

I recommend that you obtain the FTP software WS FTP LE to make PC-CRAY file transfer easier.

If you do not have access to the electronic documentation or hard copies of the ABAQUS manuals, then I
recommend that you obtain the ABAQUS Theory and Standard Users Manuals from HKS.

I recommend the classic plasticity book by Hill, and the modern treatment by Lubliner.  I have seen these available
through Amazon.com.  The book by Khan and Huang is also a modern treatment.

Mathematical Theory of Plasticity, R. Hill
Plasticity Theory, J. Lubliner

Continuum Theory of Plastiticy, A. Khan and S. Huang

We will use the pre- and post-processing software Hypermesh in class.  You are welcome to use another if you are
familiar with its usuage.  I will only be able to help with Hypermesh.  The latest version can be obtained from anonymous
FTP, but you will also need the FLEX-LM security software and the license file.  The UA system has a site license
for this software through the Alabama Supercompter Network.

We will learn the basics of Fortran in this class.  A free Fortran compiler is available via the G95 Project.
There are many basic books on Fortran.  Here is a link to Problem Solving and Structured Programming with Fortran 77.

            Link to dicussion of n-space and hyperspheres:  http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Hypersphere.html